
First Visit

All of our initial consultations are free of charge! At this visit, we perform an oral exam, complete with photographs. At this appointment we will determine whether or not you may need braces. This is a good time for us to answer any initial questions that you may have. We provide this as a service to our patients, and there is no obligation to pursue further treatment after this appointment.


Complete Orthodontic
Diagnostic Records

If we feel that you can benefit from braces, then we will need a set of complete orthodontic diagnostic records.

This includes two x-rays and a digital scan of your teeth, which allow us to create “virtual” study models of your teeth. These records may be completed at the same visit as your free consultation appointment if you desire (there is a separate fee for diagnostic records).

Using these records, we are able to develop a custom treatment plan just for you! The treatment plan may be presented at this same appointment, or at a follow-up consultation appointment if further study is needed (there is no additional fee if a separate consultation appointment is needed).

See the
Culberson Orthodontics

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